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Carbon black

Rubber and plastic materials: Carbon Black, Polypropylene
Carbon black
Carbon black is a fine powder produced by incomplete combustion of carbon containing raw materials (petroleum or coal tar). It is mainly composed of carbon element, a small amount of oxygen, hydrogen and sulfur. Its appearance is pure black fine or powdery, approximately spherical, insoluble in water, acid, alkali. And it can be burned into carbon dioxide in the air.
Carbon black, an important reinforcing raw material in rubber industry, can not only improve the strength of rubber products, but also enhance the technological properties of rubber compound, endowing the products with wear resistance, tear resistance, heat resistance and other properties, and extending the service life of products; At the same time, it is also an excellent coloring or toner, widely used in rubber and plastic processing, ink, paint, chemical fiber, leather, electronics, metallurgy and other industries.
JINSIL carbon black produced by JINNENG mainly includes six series and 11 varieties, including N100, N200, N300, N500, N600 and N700, and its quality conforms to GB3778-2003/ASTM. JINNENG has established a long-term cooperative relationship with famous tire manufacturers such as Bridgestone, Sumitomo, Doublestar and Linglong, which has been fully recognized and trusted by customers.


Detailed description of Jinshi brand carbon black

N115, N121, N220, N234, N326, N330, N339, N375, N550, N660, natural gas semi reinforced carbon black.

  • N115

    Other names:

    super abrasion furnace black; SAF

    Physicochemical properties:

    iodine absorption value is 160 g / kg, and DBP absorption value is 113 cm3 / 100 g.


    it is used for tread compound of truck tire and passenger tire, and rubber products requiring high strength and wear resistance, such as high strength conveyor belt and industrial rubber products.

    Usage and function:

    as one of the varieties with the smallest particle size, the highest reinforcement and the best wear resistance in rubber carbon black, attention should be paid to uniform dispersion during mixing to prevent scorch caused by too high temperature rise during mixing. If necessary, anti coking agent can be added or combined with other carbon black.
  • N121

    Other names:

    super abrasion furnace black-high structure(new technology); SAF-HS(new technology)

    Physicochemical properties:

    it is a high structure super wear resistant furnace black produced by new technology, which is characterized by fine particles and high structure. Iodine absorption value is 121g / kg, and DBP absorption value is 132cm3 / 100g.


    it is mainly used for tire tread, especially for high speed car tread.

    Usage and function:

    the general reinforcing property and dispersibility in compound of this product are equivalent to that of N220, while the wear resistance of compound is better than that of N220. Among N110 series of carbon black, it has better processing performance.
  • N220

    Other names:

    Intermediate super abrasion furnace black; ISAF

    Physicochemical properties:

    This product is a widely used high reinforcement furnace process carbon black with high structure. And its wear resistance is between super wear-resistant furnace black and high wear-resistant furnace black. The iodine absorption value is 121g / kg, and the DBP absorption value is 114cm3 / 100g.


    it is used for tread rubber of truck tire, passenger tire, and rubber products requiring high strength and wear resistance, such as high strength conveyor belt, industrial rubber products.

    Usage and function:

    This product is suitable for all kinds of rubbers. Compared with N330, the wear resistance of the compound containing N220 is 10% ~ 20% higher. Endowing the compound higher tensile strength and tear strength, it has certain conductivity, but higher heat build-up and hardness.
  • N234

    Other names:

    Intermediate super abrasion furnace black-high structure (New Technology) ; ISAF-HS(New technology)

    Physicochemical properties:

    This product, with high structure, is one of the N220 series carbon black with better reinforcement and wear resistance. Its iodine absorption value is 120g / kg, and DBP absorption value is 125cm3 / 100g


    it is used for tread compound of high speed tire and high quality rubber products.

    Usage and function:

    the abrasion resistance of the compound is better than that of N220, N242 and N339. And its wear resistance is about 10% higher than that of N220, especially when it is used in high severity scale. This product has good rubber processing performance and smooth surface, suitable for all kinds of rubber. The high heat build-up of rubber compound and large lag loss are the shortage of it.
  • N326

    Other names:

    High abrasion furnace black-low structure; HAF-LS。

    Physicochemical properties:

    the iodine absorption value is 82G / kg, and the DBP absorption value is 72cm3 / 100g. And it has good properties of high reinforcing ability and low heat generation.


    it is used for tread compound of high strength and low heat build-up tire (off-road tire), as well as transport belt, sealing products, color masterbatch and other high-quality rubber products.

    Usage and function:

    This product has the physical and mechanical properties close to the groove black in natural rubber. And its compound has high tensile strength, tear strength, wear resistance and anti disintegration performance. Compared with other high wear-resistant furnace black ratio, it has low constant tensile stress, high elongation and similar tensile strength. The difficulty to disperse in rubber is the shortage of this product. If the dispersion is poor, the tensile strength, wear resistance and fatigue of the compound will be reduced.
  • N330

    Other names:

    High abrasion furnace black; HAF

    Physicochemical properties:

    N330 is the most widely used high wear-resistant carbon black with iodine absorption value of 82G / kg and DBP absorption value of 102cm3 / 100g. The wear resistance is slightly worse than that of super wear-resistant series, but better than that of trough method carbon black.


    it is used for tire tread, cord compound, inner side of tire and various rubber industrial products.

    Usage and function:

    This product is a kind of carbon black with good reinforcing performance, which can endow rubber with better tensile strength, tear resistance, wear resistance and elasticity. In N300 series carbon black, the rolling loss (lag loss) of passenger tire is only greater than N351, which is smaller than that of other varieties. In addition,it has better dispersion and extrusion performance in rubber compound, which is suitable for all kinds of synthetic rubber and natural rubber.
  • N339

    Other names:

    high absorption furnace black-high structure (New Technology); HAF-HS(New technology)。

    Physicochemical properties:

    the iodine absorption value is 90g/kg, and DBP absorption value is 120cm3/100g. Compared with N330, it has higher structure, finer particles, better wear resistance and crack growth resistance than N347.


    it is used for passenger tire, truck tread rubber, conveyor belt cover rubber, hose and various rubber industrial products with high wear resistance.

    Usage and function:

    the reinforcing performance, wear resistance and crack growth resistance of this product in tread compound are close to that of N220. And its extrusion performance is also good, especially suitable for SBR / BR blend system. However, attention should be paid to the design of compound formula because the rolling resistance of tread compound produced by this product is the highest in N330 series carbon black.
  • N375

    Other names:

    high absorption furnace black-high structure; HAF-HS

    Physicochemical properties:

    This product is another new process high structure wear-resistant furnace black. And its structure is slightly lower than N339, other properties are close to N339. The iodine absorption value of N375 is 90g/kg, and the DBP absorption value is 114cm3/100g.


    the use of this product is basically the same as that of N339. It is mainly used for tread compound of car tire, heavy-duty tire and off-road tire, as well as belt covering compound and color masterbatch industry.

    Usage and function:

    except that the structure and heat generation of vulcanization are slightly lower than N339, others are basically the same as N339.
  • N550

    Other names:

    Fast extrusion furnace black; FEF

    Physicochemical properties:

    the iodine absorption value is 43g/kg, and DBP absorption value is 121cm3/100g. Owning smooth particle surface and high structure,it has the best reinforcing performance in soft carbon black.


    it is used in tire ply, sidewall and compound of pressing and calendering products.

    Usage and function:

    this product is suitable for natural rubber and all kinds of synthetic rubber. Being easy to disperse, it gives the compound high stiffness, fast extrusion speed, smooth extrusion surface and small die expansion. In addition, it has good high temperature resistance and thermal conductivity of vulcanizate, better reinforcement, elasticity and resiliency. This product is mainly used in tire cord layer, sidewall and compound of pressing and calendering products. When used for butyl rubber tube, it is best to use it together with N660.
  • N660

    Other names:

    General purpose furnace black; GPF

    Physicochemical properties:

    the iodine absorption value is 36g/kg, and the DBP absorption value is 90cm3/100g. This product has high elongation stress of high elongation furnace black, good processability of quick extruding carbon black, high resilience of semi reinforced carbon black and flexure resistance of fine particle carbon black, which is widely used.


    This product, suitable for natural rubber and various synthetic rubber, is mainly used for cushion layer and cord layer compound of tire carcass, inner tube, bicycle tire, rubber tube, tape, calendered products, model products, shoes, various industrial rubber products, wires and cables.

    Usage and function:

    This product is suitable for all kinds of rubbers. Compared with semi reinforced carbon black, it has higher structure, finer particles, easy dispersion in rubber compound, higher tensile strength, tensile strength and constant elongation stress of vulcanizate, lower heat build-up, good elasticity and bending resistance, but lower elongation.
  • Natural gas semi reinforced carbon black

    Other names:

    semi reinforcing carbon black; SRF

    Physicochemical properties:

    natural gas semi reinforced carbon black is the largest particle size and the lowest structure carbon black for rubber, with iodine absorption value of 14g/kg and DBP absorption value of 47cm3/100g.


    This product, suitable for natural rubber and all kinds of synthetic rubber, is mainly used for buffer layer and cord layer compound of tire carcass, rubber hose, adhesive tape, extruded products, all kinds of industrial rubber products, wires and cables.

    Usage and function:

    This product can be filled in a large amount in rubber compound. Its vulcanizate has high elongation, low heat build-up, high elasticity and good aging resistance.